Your Full-Service Trademark Services Partner To Safeguard Your Business and Intellectual Property
- 1500+ Successful Trademarks Filed
- 1000+ Ongoing Filing Process
- 500+ 4.5/5 Star Ratings
See how over 7,700+ Customers
Help the world work
It's fast and risk-free
Vision to Reality
Why Should Your US Trademark Be Registered with Us?
With Us, Registering A Trademark Only Takes Three Easy Steps!
Tell Us About The
Trademark You
After you respond to a few questions regarding your trademark and business, an attorney will contact you concerning the next steps.
We Will Inspect
And Provide A
Our trademark registration attorney conducts a comprehensive trademark search to ensure no duplicates are being used. If any issues are found, we will conduct a second search at no additional cost, providing you with a sense of security.
We'll Finish And
File Your
The lawyer will electronically file after they are with you that everything is planned. Our trademark registration USA experts can handle this well!
Affordable Trademark Registration Online Pricing Plans
Basic Package
US Trademark Profs Guarantee
+ filing fees to the USPTO
It Contains:
- Request for a trademark made by an experienced trademark professional.
- Use a basic trademark search to see whether it's accessible.
- A complete application report for your documentation.
- Your trademark submission can be presented online to the USPTO.
Deluxe Package
US Trademark Profs Guarantee
+ filing fees to the USPTO
Adds the following to the Basic package:
- A legal assistant concocts the trademark application.
- Thorough scrutiny, a report on the federal and state search approvals, and the filing of a submission.
- Our legal proficiency promises customer satisfaction.
- If there is a breach, take rapid action to stop and call a halt!
Premium Package
US Trademark Profs Guarantee
+ filing fees to the USPTO
Comprises everything found in the Basic and Deluxe packages in addition to:
- The trademark application is ready and organized by an alliance of familiar trademark lawyers, which 100% expands the probability of authorization.
- Explore, plan, and file with the US Patent and Trademark Office under federal, state, and common law laws.
- After registration, gain from free trademark checking for a year.
- To assure continuing safeguard and legal accordance, retain the trademark.
- By developing our Refusal Risk Meter, you can evaluate your chances of endorsement.
- Obtain quick 24-hour trademark application administering.
Why Is It Important To Register Your Trademark?
Established Legal ownership
Registration usually results in the formation of trademark rights. While using a trademark to acquire constrained trademark rights is imaginable in some countries, it is also dreadful or very challenging in most other nations.
Inform Others of Your Rights
To trademark registration in USA, other companies can locate and use it to confirm your proprietorship. Registering your trademark is one realistic way to decrease the probability of someone's intrusion.
Boost The Reputation Of Your Brand
Having a registered trademark increases your company' significance. As per the 10668:2010 ISO’s benchmark, having a registered trademarks enhances the worth of your brand significantly.
Importance of Protecting Intellectual Property
Two advantages of intellectual property are its ability to strengthen in value forever (unlike physical assets) and the decrease of operative dangers associated with intellectual property safeguards.
Crucial Aspect of Registering A Trademark
It is difficult to take genuinely a company that does not stand by the venture capital it has created in forming its commercial personality and brand. Trademarks are commercial origin identifiers.
The ® Symbol Works Well in Marketing Campaigns.
Our comprehensive approach identifies potential threats, ensuring that your trademarks and copyrights remain secure.
Ready To Register Your Business’s Trademark with Us?
Have any question?
Our Testimonials
Know More About Us From Our Happy Customers!
Joan Maxfield
Kathy Steven
Todd Jones
Daniel Corbo
Sheena Lin
Tim Stone
A trademark is an umbrella term. It contains any term, name, emblem, or grouping castoff or
anticipated to be utilized in trade to recognize and classify one producer's or vendor's
merchandise from those constituted or advertised by others, as well as to designate the basis of
the goods. In spirit, a trademark is the distinctive labeling of a corporation. For example,
trademark registration services!
A brand can attempt to do independent research available as an opportunity at USPTO
website’s Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). Remark that you may crash the risk of
confusion test just by Googling for the same term or logo. A private trademark search company
or a prosecutor can complete a trademark exploration, specifically focusing on trademark
registration USA.
There are numerous reasons why a trademark is rejected, such as:
- The likelihood of misunderstanding
- Attributes
- Level of individuality of violent content
- Geographical language
Frequently Asked Questions
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Get Your Trademark Registered Today!
It's fast and risk-free
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